Is it Christmas in July?!?

Nope, not Christmas. But it may feel like it because (drumroll, please…) we are open for SWEET CORN! Our three farmstands – Oswego, Plainfield, Naperville – are now open with…

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Getting Ready for Bountiful Produce

What a BEAUTIFUL spring! A bit of a late weather start…but our recent warm days and cool nights resulted in lasting colorful blooms, lush hanging baskets, and the perfect weather…

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Ask Martha!

We’re in the midst of a beautiful spring – sunny days, cool evenings, soft rains, and lush blooms. Keller’s Farmstand has so many choices for your gardens! Flowers, hanging baskets,…

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Let the Flower & Garden Season Begin

Spring Flowers at Keller's Farmstand

We’ve been counting down to Opening Day since…well, October 31, 2023! And it’s here! Our Naperville and Oswego Farmstands are now open. Are you planning colorful flower beds? Do you…

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It’s About Time

So-ooooooo – the snow is gone (🤞🤞), the days are longer, the grass is greener. It’s officially astronomical and meteorological spring. Baseball is back. Do we need any more signs…

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Thank you for the BEST memories!

Oh-hhhhhh, 2023. What a year! And how fast you have flown by!    It seems like only yesterday that we were looking at the seed catalogs, organizing Floral Face-Off and…

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