Spring Flowers, Summer Blooms, the Sweetest Corn, and Fall Fun for All – What a Great Year!

How is it possible that we’re saying, “See you next year?”
Our year included new spring flowers for Floral Face-Off, our “Ask Martha” video series of the best gardening tips, an abundant sweet corn crop and the best farm fresh produce, a dazzling Cut Flower Field, early U-Pick apples, and a beautiful – and FUN! – fall season. This year has flown by!
We’re so proud that our School Fundraiser Program continued in both our Spring and Fall seasons. What a great program – shop for blooms in spring and enjoy the festivities of fall – and earn money for your school. It’s a win-win for everyone!
We made it through the challenging twists and turns of our Haunted House corn maze
, welcomed Elmer and Fudge to our farm animal flock 
, and introduced new, authentic farm attractions to our Farmland. We had as much fun listening to your giggles 
as you did enjoying our Farmland features!

We’re now getting ready for the dormant season, letting Mother Earth replenish herself. As she rests, we’ll be busy planning even better seasons for you – the best customers in the world – for 2025.
Until we see you again, we wish you smiles!