October 1 – Gourdy’s Pumpkin Run

It’s almost here! A fall tradition in its own right – the running of the pumpkin fun run known as Gourdy’s! And what better a locale for such a fun, fall ritual than Keller’s Farmstand. All ye runners and walkers and those who wish to tread 3.14 miles across our farm terrain – we welcome you out for a day you will not soon forget! Register online here: https://www.gourdyspumpkinrun.com/event/Chicago-2022/ – and then plan to spend additional time at our Fall Festivities – enjoying our corn maze and farm animals and donuts and fudge and apple orchard and more. But beware! All ye who are planning a tranquil morning with family and friends on the farm! This is not the time to join us! There will be thousands of visitors at Keller’s on the morning of October 1. And while the afternoon will settle down, the morning will be hectic – so please plan your visit accordingly! As always, let us know if you have any questions.